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Easy French Horn and Piano Duets

french horn Compilation 2Original simple sheet music duets created for a solo french horn with piano. All the available duets are designed to be played by a music student on piano as well as the french horn and requires a similar level of early music skill for both, so that it is ideally suited for any students to play without the need for a tutor on piano to be present. French Horn duets vary from easy to moderate due to the transposition range between the horn and the piano.

Easy Music Duet Compilations Easy Duets Listening Page

(If you are looking for solo pieces, these are available from "easy french horn solo music pieces" and come with recorded accompaniment).

All compilations of French Horn / Piano duets for sale are currently on offer priced at £5.99 complete. Compilations consist of 6 duets and come supplied as sheet music for the entire scores, the separate piano parts and separate French Horn parts.

If you would like to place an order please...ORDER HERE